The project of developing generation of bread and the modification of access it for iranian citizenship

Bread is the most important meal for the whole of Iranian citizens and it is great until one of the main meals in the use of Iranian families. According to the news Titre with the topic ( beginning the operation phase of generating the process of complete bread / the project of optimization traditional bread does have the feature ? ) pay attention to the modifications of bread for the Iranian citizens.
According to the Ana press ( the technology and science press ), bread is not only the source of dispelling hunger but also has to include a valuable supply for preparing vitamins and essential other features. Therefore bread can be valuable because that has more bran and other nutritions features. In other words, the bread which is more colour white means having less bran and the valuable meal is strictly less.
According to this project, the producing bread should prevent the increasing contagious disease and un epidemic disease and role in treating food.
This approach can help the recovery of healthy Iranian citizenship until to have food safety in the beard branch and other process.